Its been a long time since I wrote anything on here, mainly because the whole exercise seems to be more than a little futile and fraught with pointlessness. I will however, persevere for the handful of you that read this nonsense. Once again, Mark and I are in the grip of a production frenzy and we still continue to pursue support for one of our latest paper projects. I am keen to develop the ambient and visually expressive approach to creative documentary/story telling that we experimented with on 'City 061' (our music driven homage to "Madchester" in 90/91). This creative approach seems to be very fashionable in certain quarters and emblematic of the new digital production techniques. However, nobody seems to be doing anything creative with the documentary format at the moment, so there could be an opening for our innovative piece. The most inspirational piece of TV that I have seen in recent times is the excellent and quite refreshing Chris Morris comedy series "Jam" on CH4. The ultimate in post pythenesque textural satire for the post Drum & Base cool set. Its characteristic dark anti-sketches embellished with digital video, and audio FX simultaneously intrigue and amuse. Jam seems to combining an overt avoidance of all of the established and expected facets of the classic comedy sketch, with absurdist over delineated situations of banal confusion, and incompetence of thought. It's a kind of fuzzy twilight zone of perception and rationality. The cumulative result is a trippy surreal experience that seems to provoke a state of contemplation laced with delayed comic possibilities.....very, very, clever stuff actually. Its good to be in the midst of Spring again, the winters can be such a painful drag and its so nice to see everything sprouting and blooming, also we have had some decent temperatures and bright sunshine at last which has certainly helped to lift my mood