Columbo in Prestbury

I saw this scruffy pair of legs and knee length mac indecisively loiter past my window and shortly heard on knock on the door. I opened the door to find Columbo standing there looking at the ground with one hand on the back of his head. He looked up and said "sorry to bother you Sir, but do you mind if I come in to make an important phone call?" I said ok and asked him if he was investigating a crime? He said I don't know if you could call it that Sir, more a problem of communication to do with these new computers...I have to tell you Sir its all a mystery to me". He came in and seemed to be fascinated with all of the objects in the room ; his hand moving back to the top of his head and said. "This is a very nice place you have here. You know, Mrs Columbo would love this." Then he told me he was sorry and mustn't waste my time and he went off to make his call. I could hear his Mac rustling and buttons being pressed, then after a short while he returned with a small scruffy piece of paper in his hand and shaking his head... "You know Sir, I am sure I copied this correctly..but it seems to be a wrong about that! He looked at the note again and sort of chuckled to himself. Then somewhat indecisively moved toward the door as if to make his exit. But just then promptly turned around. Again looking at the ground with one arm raised, he looked up and said. "Much obliged Sir. Oh by the way, I couldn't help noticing that little white box with a lot of red lights on it, very pretty. You know, its amazing how small those answer machines are now!" And I said; but that is not an answer machine, its a modem for my computer. He shook his head again and pretended to look confused. "A modem? You know, I really must learn something about this new technology." He began to tell me about Mrs Columbo's night school computing course at Macclesfield college while he fumbled around in his pockets and produced a pen and another scruffy scrap of paper to write MODEM on. Then repeated the word to himself with a sigh of resignation. He told me that he really would have to go but perhaps we could meet up again so that he could learn more about MODEMs. He turned round once again and sort of pointed obliquely as if to ask another question but instead just said; " "Good day to you sir

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