
I should really think about turning this website into a music site because it seems to be something of an overarching subject of discussion on here. Music though is really my prime inspirational motivator and I like to be able to make what I feel to be pertinent connections between musical and visual modes. I have always enjoyed a kind of synesthetic sense that facilitates a degree of aesthetic multimodality and an understanding of broad stylistic comparisons and ambient coherence (compatibility's of form). I like to think of my prime photographic style (or aspiration) as a visual equivalent to the most contemporary forms of music that imaginatively assimilate Jazz modalities; big ideas indeed!!. Incidentally I recently heard a very interesting tune on Jazz FM's "Late Lounge" which at first I thought was something new by Stereo Lab..I think it may have contained some Stereo Lab samples.. and it seemed to mix that slightly twisted glamorous 60s Euro film sound track feel with very contemporary beats and production and a slightly strange harmonic modality...in other words very Stereo Lab!!. Any way I digress, but still of course relevant, is my new photographic project to creatively document all of Manchester's new spaces, architecture, and public art works/installations, which will provide some fresh material for my "Index 2". The city has been subject to quite a number of dramatic improvements and imaginative redevelopment's in recent years. All have culminating in a sense of attractive and dynamic modernity. I think Manchester is now probably one of the most attractively modern cities in Northern Britain.

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