Give Me Inspiration!
Trying to work out an idea for a new photo project today. I want to bring a little more "human interest" to my work and also try to produce at least one body of stylistically coherent images. In the mean time I may even put up some heavily processed graphic work produced some years ago and based on photographs of my own shadow & silhouette. Some of these images have a very striking 60s psychedelic quality, others evoke the stylisation of Modigliani portraits. I think I am still very interested in the idea of 60s retro styling evoking the masculine, epic, and rectilinear compositional qualities of say Kubrick, or Antonioni films, I like wide spatial framing and low angles. Maybe its because I also like to work in black & white which seems to put a lot of emphasis on pure form (tectonics) I also still really like the bizarre denaturing quality of B&W too. I recently saw some of my fellow students' work, and it was extremely good! Highly stylised, evocative of a recognisable image genre, and above all very sexy, humane, and narrative orientated like a magazine fashion story but in that gritty yet creative colour realism style of the "Face" circa 1983, very good stuff. My work in comparison, (or rather the work on this site) to my mind feels a bit to protestant and slightly misanthropic; but only in so far as it seems to depict a world devoid of people. Well we shall have to see what we can do!! I seem to be developing something of a fascination with remote and reclusive island communities and consequently working on a possible film project / idea / concept concerned with the bizarre culture of Tristan Decooner? I don't even know how to spell the name of this place yet!